There’s more to being a great lover than just learning what pleases your partner in bed. You must also learn how to build up your confidence, live a healthy lifestyle, and cultivate a well-groomed appearance that shows your self-worth.
All these things are important elements that contribute to a desirable, sexy, masculine man and lover.
To up your romantic game, here are 20 resources for men to become better lovers.
The Couples Center
Throughout their relationship, a couple will experience rocky times where they can’t seem to communicate or see eye to eye. If this is you and your partner, then you should check out the Couples Center.
The Couples Center is an online resource for couples to receive relationship advice from experienced counselors and experts. These are people who won’t judge you, who have spoken to countless men and women before you, and who will help turn your relationship from rocky to wonderful again.
The Authentic Man
The Authentic Man, AKA David Chambers, is a dating and intimacy coach for men. He specializes in helping men develop their “self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and self-leadership.” With these qualities, Chambers says, you’ll become the masculine man you’ve always wanted to be. Only then will you cut through the bullshit that is the modern dating world and attract a woman who is as equally authentic as you are.
The Conscious Relationship Council By Evolving Man
Do you ever find yourself wondering what it means to have a healthy relationship with a woman? In the Conscious Relationship Council – a 12-week course by Evolving Man – you’ll learn all the relationship skills you need to take your romance to a higher, more fulfilling place.
Supercharge Your Sex Life Course With Jordan Gray
If your sex life is lacking and you’re not sure what to do, then this course, “Supercharge Your Sex Life – Be Amazing In Bed,” by Jordan Gray just might be the ticket.
Gray created this training course to help men feel more powerful in the bedroom. Through his videos and eBooks, you’ll learn all kinds of masterful sexual techniques, from achieving an erection on command to “mastering foreplay.”
Dear Men: How To Rock Sex, Dating, And Relationships With Women Podcast
If you want to learn how women think and feel about romantic topics, the best way to do that is to hear it from women themselves! That’s exactly what you’ll hear when you listen to Dear Men: How To Rock Sex, Dating, And Relationships With Women Podcast available on most podcast streaming services, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
For the trendiest style and grooming tips for men, Esquire is your one-stop shop. You may even come across some handy listicles to help you navigate the niceties of your romantic relationship, such as “60 Romantic Gifts That Your Partner Will Treasure.”
GQ is another great resource for men’s grooming. They even have a section for it listed right at the top of their homepage. They also have sections on “Sex and Relationships” and “Fitness,” making it a well-rounded website of advice on all the topics a lover needs to learn about.
Men’s Health
Staying fit and healthy is key to maintaining a great sex life. That’s why we recommend checking out Men’s Health. No matter what area of your health you need to improve – your fitness, erectile function, testosterone levels – they have an article that can help.
For advice about men’s health, relationships, and intimacy, why not AskMen? On this website, you’ll find all sorts of resources that help men in every area of their lives, from sex and dating to grooming and shopping.
The Beard Club
Looking to grow a fantastic Viking beard worthy of a strong, powerful, sexy Viking Man? Go to the official Beard Club website and peruse their offerings of beard oils, combs, and other premier beard grooming products.
“The 12 Habits Of Impeccably Groomed Men” By Esquire
Grooming for men isn’t just about beards. It’s also about hair, scent, how you wash your face, and more. To level up your grooming game (and your sex appeal), read “The 12 Habits Of Impeccably Groomed Men” by Esquire.
The 5 Love Languages For Men By Gary Chapman
A great sex life needs a great foundation to stand on. There’s a lot more that goes into a relationship than sexual intimacy. You must also learn how to express your love in a way that your partner will receive it. That’s what you’ll learn how to do when you read “The 5 Love Languages For Men” by Gary Chapman.
Jason Julius
Sometimes you want to cut right to the chase and get direct advice on how to improve your sexual performance in the bedroom. That’s exactly what Jason Julius provides in his YouTube videos. Watch him and gain powerful insight into topics like, “How Your Emotions Block Her Orgasm” and the “Most Powerful Skill To Have In The Bedroom.”
Dating Sucks, But You Don’t: The Modern Guy’s Guide To Total Confidence, Romantic Connection, And Finding The Perfect Partner By Connell Barrett
Most of us are fed up with dating nowadays. The women that are out there seem to either not be interested in what we have to offer, or they’re simply catfishers. With this book titled, “Dating Sucks, But You Don’t: The Modern Guy’s Guide To Total Confidence, Romantic Connection, And Finding The Perfect Partner” by Connell Barrett, you’ll regain your dating confidence and find the right woman.
Primer is a useful, easy-to-navigate website that offers thoughtful advice on the subjects of love, fashion, fitness, investments, and more. All of the topics and perspectives are tailored for men.
@trippadvice On Instagram
If you’re a shy guy and don’t feel too confident when it comes to romantic relationships, follow Tripp Kramer on Instagram. Kramer is a dating advice coach who helps timid men find their confidence and cultivate relationships with great women.
“1,500 People Give All The Relationship Advice You’ll Ever Need” By Mark Manson
Why ask for one person’s relationship advice when you could get advice from 1,500 people? That’s what self-help author Mark Manson did, and you can read what those thousand or so people had to say in this article.
Dan Bacon
Looking for bite-sized videos that sum up great relationship advice in just a few minutes? Look no further than Dan Bacon, AKA the Modern Men. You’ll find all kinds of wisdom that will improve your love life from videos with titles like, “Getting What You Want With Women” and “How To Maintain A Woman’s Attraction In A Relationship.”
@mantalks On Instagram
If you’re struggling as a lover, it may mean that, as the man in the relationship, you’re not leading. To learn how self-leading will not only boost your self-confidence, but also improve your relationship and make it more fulfilling, follow Connor Beaton on Instagram. Beaton’s podcast ManTalks, where he gives leadership and relationship advice to men, has over 3 million downloads to date.
Viking Man
Viking Man is not just a source for affordable, FDA-approved ED and sexual performance medications. We also provide real, insightful love advice for men, such as how to pleasure your female partner. Whether you need help with a physical problem, such as ED, or with your relationship, we’re always here to support you.
Wherever you need improvement as a lover, use these 20 resources to fill the gaps!